Immortal Carnation Bouquet

Fossilized Carnation Immortal Flower Bouquet


A dozen Fossilized Carnations, beautifully arranged on a base of floofy feathers, silk flowers or lace ribbon loops.

This bouquet is a round Rustic Vintage Shabby Chic style. If you would prefer a looser, Boho Chic style, a Cascade style, a Presentation style, or something entirely different, Contact Us for a FREE consultation! We have qualified florists on staff!

Choose a solid colour bouquet from the Fantasy Focal Metal Colour dropdown menu below, or choose Mystique Mix from the Focal Metal Colour dropdown menu below, then enter your choices in the Mystique Mix text box below. We’ll work together to make sure that everything harmonizes perfectly with your desired colour palette.

After the big day, these flowers convert into: 4 Necklaces, 4 Brooches and 4 Hairclips.

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